Ag-Grid Data Overlapping for a Second on Quick Search? Here’s the Solution!
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Ag-Grid Data Overlapping for a Second on Quick Search? Here’s the Solution!

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Are you tired of seeing your Ag-Grid data overlapping for a second when you perform a quick search? You’re not alone! This frustrating issue has plagued many developers, but fear not, dear reader, for we have a solution that will get your grid looking shipshape in no time!

What’s Causing the Overlap?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what’s causing the overlap in the first place. The Ag-Grid library uses a clever technique called “virtualization” to improve performance by only rendering the rows that are currently visible in the grid. However, when you perform a quick search, the grid needs to re-render the rows, and this is where the overlap occurs.

The Culprit: The Row Buffer

The Ag-Grid row buffer is the root of the problem. By default, the row buffer is set to 10, which means that the grid will render 10 rows above and below the current scroll position. When you perform a quick search, the grid needs to re-render the rows, and the row buffer gets in the way, causing the overlap.

The Solution: Tweaking the Row Buffer

The good news is that we can easily tweak the row buffer to prevent the overlap. Here are a few solutions you can try:

Solution 1: Set the Row Buffer to 0

The simplest solution is to set the row buffer to 0. This will prevent the grid from rendering any rows above or below the current scroll position, effectively eliminating the overlap.

gridOptions = {
  rowBufferChanged: function(params) {
    params.rowBuffer = 0;

Note that setting the row buffer to 0 can impact performance, especially for large datasets. If you’re concerned about performance, you can try Solution 2.

Solution 2: Adjust the Row Buffer Dynamically

Instead of setting the row buffer to 0, you can adjust it dynamically based on the search query. Here’s an example:

gridOptions = {
  onFirstDataRendered: function(params) {
    var grid = params.api;
    var searchText = document.getElementById('searchInput').value;
    if (searchText) {
      grid.rowBuffer = 1;
    } else {
      grid.rowBuffer = 10;

In this example, we’re checking if the search input field is empty or not. If it’s not empty, we set the row buffer to 1 to prevent overlap. If it’s empty, we set it back to 10 to improve performance.

Additional Tips to Prevent Overlap

In addition to tweaking the row buffer, here are some additional tips to help prevent overlap:

  • Use a debounce function for search queries. This will prevent the grid from re-rendering too frequently, reducing the likelihood of overlap.
  • Implement infinite scrolling. Infinite scrolling can help reduce the need for re-rendering the entire grid, which can cause overlap.
  • Optimize your dataset. Make sure your dataset is optimized for search queries. This can include indexing columns, using caching, and more.


There you have it, folks! By tweaking the row buffer and following our additional tips, you should be able to prevent Ag-Grid data from overlapping for a second on quick search. Remember to experiment with different row buffer values and adjust them based on your specific use case. Happy coding!

Row Buffer Value Description
0 No row buffering, can impact performance
1 Minimum row buffering, suitable for small datasets
10 Default row buffering, balances performance and overlap prevention

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below!

We hope you found this article informative and helpful. Don’t forget to share it with your friends and colleagues who may be struggling with Ag-Grid data overlapping issues!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your most pressing questions about Ag-Grid data overlapping on quick search!

Why does my Ag-Grid data overlap for a second when I perform a quick search?

This is due to the way Ag-Grid handles row buffering and virtualization. When you perform a quick search, Ag-Grid tries to render the new data set immediately, causing the old data to overlap with the new data for a brief moment. This is a known behavior and can be mitigated by adjusting the row buffering settings or implementing a loading indicator to mask the overlap.

How can I adjust the row buffering settings to prevent data overlapping?

You can adjust the row buffering settings by setting the `.rowBuffer` property to a higher value. This will increase the number of rows that Ag-Grid buffers, reducing the likelihood of data overlapping. However, be cautious when increasing the buffer size, as it can impact performance. Experiment with different values to find the optimal balance between performance and data overlap prevention.

Can I implement a loading indicator to mask the data overlap?

Yes, you can implement a loading indicator to mask the data overlap. One approach is to use a custom loading template that displays a spinning wheel or a “Loading…” message. You can also use a third-party library like spin.js to create a custom loading animation. By displaying a loading indicator, you can create a better user experience and distract from the brief data overlap.

Will data overlapping affect my application’s performance?

Data overlapping on quick search is a cosmetic issue and does not significantly impact your application’s performance. However, if you have a large data set or complex grid configuration, the overlapping data can cause a brief performance hiccup. To mitigate this, ensure that your application is optimized for performance, and consider implementing pagination or data chunking to reduce the load on your grid.

Are there any other ways to prevent data overlapping on quick search?

Yes, there are other ways to prevent data overlapping on quick search. One approach is to use a debouncing mechanism to delay the search functionality, giving Ag-Grid enough time to clear the old data before rendering the new data set. You can also experiment with different grid options, such as setting `suppressRowTransform` to `true` or using a custom `rowRenderer` to control the rendering process. Experiment with different approaches to find the one that works best for your specific use case.

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