How to Update Nested Attribute Name for Specific DynamoDB Items: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Update Nested Attribute Name for Specific DynamoDB Items: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you stuck with outdated attribute names in your DynamoDB table? Do you need to update specific items with new attribute names, but don’t know where to start? Worry no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of updating nested attribute names for specific DynamoDB items.

Understanding DynamoDB and Attribute Names

Before we dive into the updating process, let’s quickly refresh our understanding of DynamoDB and attribute names.

  • DynamoDB: A fast, fully managed NoSQL database service provided by AWS (Amazon Web Services). It allows you to store and retrieve large amounts of data with high performance and low latency.
  • Attribute Names: The names given to the individual pieces of data stored in a DynamoDB item. They can be simple (e.g., “name”) or nested (e.g., “”).

Why Update Nested Attribute Names?

There are several reasons why you might need to update nested attribute names in your DynamoDB table:

  • Schema Changes: As your application evolves, your data schema may need to change. Updating attribute names helps ensure consistency and accuracy in your data.
  • Data Standardization: Standardizing attribute names across your table can improve data quality and make it easier to work with.
  • : Sometimes, changes in application requirements may necessitate updates to attribute names.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following:

  • An AWS account with access to DynamoDB.
  • A DynamoDB table with items containing nested attributes.
  • The AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) installed on your machine.
  • A basic understanding of AWS and DynamoDB concepts.

Step 1: Prepare Your Environment

Let’s set up our environment to update the nested attribute names.

aws dynamodb list-tables --query 'TableNames[]' --output text

This command lists all your DynamoDB tables. Take note of the table name that contains the items you want to update.

aws dynamodb describe-table --table-name  --query 'Table.AttributeDefinitions[]' --output text

Replace <table_name> with your table name. This command lists the attribute definitions for your table, including nested attributes.

Step 2: Identify the Items to Update

Identify the specific items in your table that need the attribute name update. You can use the AWS CLI or a GUI tool like AWS DynamoDB Console or AWS Cloud9.

aws dynamodb scan --table-name  --filter-expression "contains(attribute_name, 'old_name')" --output text

Replace <table_name> with your table name and <old_name> with the current attribute name. This command scans your table and returns items containing the specified attribute name.

Step 3: Update the Nested Attribute Name

Now, let’s update the nested attribute name using the AWS CLI.

aws dynamodb update-item --table-name  --key '{"id": {"S": "item_id"}}' --update-expression "set #A = :v" --expression-attribute-names '{"#A": ""}' --expression-attribute-values '{":v": {"S": "new_name"}}' --return-values UPDATED_NEW


  • <table_name> with your table name.
  • item_id with the ID of the item to update.
  • with the current nested attribute name.
  • new_name with the desired new attribute name.

This command updates the specified item’s nested attribute name. The --return-values UPDATED_NEW flag returns the updated item.

Step 4: Verify the Update

Let’s verify that the update was successful.

aws dynamodb get-item --table-name  --key '{"id": {"S": "item_id"}}' --output text

Replace <table_name> with your table name and item_id with the ID of the updated item. This command retrieves the updated item from DynamoDB.

Bulk Updates

If you need to update multiple items, you can use the AWS CLI’s batch-write-item command.

aws dynamodb batch-write-item --table-name  --request-items file://batch-update.json

Create a JSON file (batch-update.json) with the following format:

    "PutRequest": {
      "Item": {
        "id": {"S": "item_id_1"},
        "address": {
          "city": {"S": "new_name"}
    "PutRequest": {
      "Item": {
        "id": {"S": "item_id_2"},
        "address": {
          "city": {"S": "new_name"}
  # ...

Replace <table_name> with your table name and item_id_1, item_id_2, etc. with the IDs of the items to update.


In this guide, we walked you through the process of updating nested attribute names for specific DynamoDB items using the AWS CLI. By following these steps, you should be able to update your attribute names with ease.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter issues during the update process, try the following:

  • Check your AWS CLI version and ensure it’s up-to-date.
  • Verify your table name and attribute names are correct.
  • Use the AWS CloudWatch logs to debug any errors.

Final Thoughts

Updating nested attribute names in DynamoDB can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it’s a breeze. Remember to test your updates in a development environment before applying them to your production table.

Attribute Name Description Nested attribute name to update
new_name New attribute name to replace the old one

By following this guide, you should now be able to update nested attribute names for specific DynamoDB items with confidence. Happy updating!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with updating nested attribute names for specific DynamoDB items? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What is the best approach to update a nested attribute name in DynamoDB?

The best approach is to use the UpdateItem API operation with the UpdateExpression parameter. This allows you to specify the exact attribute you want to update, including nested attributes. You can use the AttributeNames and AttributeValues parameters to specify the new attribute name and value.

How do I update a nested attribute name when the attribute is inside a list?

When the nested attribute is inside a list, you’ll need to use the LIST_APPEND or LIST_SET action in your UpdateExpression. This allows you to update the specific list element that contains the attribute you want to rename. Make sure to specify the exact list element using the list index or a condition.

Can I use the UpdateItem API operation to update multiple items at once?

Unfortunately, the UpdateItem API operation only allows you to update a single item at a time. If you need to update multiple items, you’ll need to use the BatchWriteItem API operation, which allows you to update up to 25 items in a single request.

What happens if I try to update a non-existent nested attribute?

If you try to update a non-existent nested attribute, DynamoDB will throw a ValidationException. To avoid this, make sure to check the existence of the attribute before attempting to update it. You can use the GetItem API operation to retrieve the item and check if the attribute exists before updating it.

Are there any performance considerations when updating nested attributes in DynamoDB?

Yes, updating nested attributes can be slower than updating top-level attributes, especially for large items. This is because DynamoDB needs to traverse the nested structure to find the attribute to update. To minimize performance impact, try to update nested attributes in batches, and consider using secondary indexes to speed up the update process.

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