Demystifying Integration Testing: Overcoming the Page_Source Conundrum for FMX Apps
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Demystifying Integration Testing: Overcoming the Page_Source Conundrum for FMX Apps

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As a seasoned developer, you’ve invested countless hours into crafting a phenomenal FMX app that impresses users with its sleek design and seamless functionality. However, when it comes to integration testing, you’re faced with a peculiar issue: the `page_source` doesn’t contain app controls. This predicament can be frustrating, to say the least. Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a journey to tackle this challenge head-on and ensure your FMX app shines in the testing arena.

Understanding the Problem

The `page_source` property is an essential tool in integration testing, allowing you to inspect the HTML content of your app. However, when dealing with FMX apps, this property can be misleading, as it only returns the HTML content of the platform’s web view, excluding the app’s controls. This limitation can lead to failed tests and hours of debugging.

Why Does This Happen?

The primary reason for this anomaly lies in the architecture of FMX apps. Unlike traditional web apps, FMX apps employ a unique rendering mechanism, where the app’s controls are rendered as native components, rather than HTML elements. As a result, the `page_source` property, which is designed to capture HTML content, fails to include the app’s controls in its output.

Workarounds and Solutions

Luckily, we have several strategies to bypass this limitation and successfully integrate test your FMX app. Let’s dive into the details!

1. Using FMX’s `Controls` Property

A lesser-known gem in the FMX SDK is the `Controls` property, which provides direct access to the app’s controls. By leveraging this property, you can inspect and interact with your app’s controls programmatically. To do so, you’ll need to:

let appControls = FMX.Controls.all();
// Iterate through the controls array to access individual elements
for (const control in appControls) {
  console.log(control.type); // Output: Button, Label, Edit, etc.
  console.log(control.text); // Output: Text content of the control

This approach allows you to automate interactions with your app’s controls, effectively simulating user behavior. However, keep in mind that this method only works for controls that are currently visible on the screen.

2. Injecting Test IDs into FMX Controls

An alternative approach is to inject test IDs into your FMX controls, making them identifiable during integration testing. This involves assigning a unique ID to each control, which can be accessed later using the `page_source` property.

  text: 'Click me!',
  testId: 'myButton' // Assign a test ID to the button control

In your test script, you can then use the test ID to locate the control:

const button = page_source.querySelector('[test-id="myButton"]');
expect(button.textContent).toBe('Click me!');

This technique provides a more reliable way to identify and interact with your app’s controls, even when the `page_source` property falls short.

3. Utilizing Platform-Specific Automation Frameworks

For more advanced scenarios, consider leveraging platform-specific automation frameworks, such as Appium for mobile or Selenium for web. These frameworks provide robust APIs for interacting with native app controls, allowing you to write more comprehensive integration tests.

Platform Automation Framework
Mobile (iOS, Android) Appium
Web Selenium

These frameworks often require additional setup and configuration, but they offer unparalleled flexibility and control when it comes to integration testing.

Best Practices for Integration Testing FMX Apps

To ensure successful integration testing, follow these best practices:

  • Use descriptive test IDs: Assign unique, descriptive IDs to your app’s controls to facilitate identification during testing.
  • Test in isolation: Isolate individual controls or features to test their functionality independently, reducing the risk of test interference.
  • Mock dependencies: Mock external dependencies, such as APIs or databases, to ensure consistent test results and reduce testing complexity.
  • Use platform-specific frameworks: Leverage platform-specific automation frameworks to tap into their native control interaction capabilities.
  • Test on multiple platforms: Ensure your app is tested on multiple platforms, including mobile and web, to guarantee cross-platform compatibility.


Integration testing for FMX apps can be challenging, but with the right strategies and workarounds, you can overcome the limitations of the `page_source` property. By leveraging the `Controls` property, injecting test IDs, and utilizing platform-specific automation frameworks, you can ensure your app’s controls are thoroughly tested and validated. Remember to follow best practices, such as using descriptive test IDs, testing in isolation, and mocking dependencies, to guarantee the success of your integration testing endeavors.

By mastering these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to creating a robust, thoroughly tested FMX app that delights users and instills confidence in your development process.

Additional Resources

For further learning and exploration, check out these resources:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about integration testing FMX apps and page_source not containing app controls!

Why is page_source empty when I try to integrate test my FMX app?

This might happen because the page_source property only returns the HTML content of the web view, and FMX apps use native controls which aren’t part of the HTML. To access the app controls, you’ll need to use a different approach, such as using the app’s built-in automation features or a third-party testing framework that supports native app testing.

How do I access the controls of my FMX app during integration testing?

One way to access the controls is by using the FMX app’s built-in automation features. You can also use a third-party testing framework that supports native app testing, such as Appium or Robot Framework. These frameworks provide APIs to interact with the app’s controls programmatically.

What’s the best way to write integration tests for my FMX app?

When writing integration tests for your FMX app, it’s essential to use a testing framework that supports native app testing. You can write tests in a programming language like Java or Python, and use the framework’s APIs to interact with the app’s controls. Make sure to test user flows, edge cases, and error scenarios to ensure your app is robust and reliable.

Can I use Selenium for integration testing my FMX app?

Selenium is an excellent tool for web automation, but it’s not ideal for native app testing. Selenium is designed to interact with web browsers, not native apps. For FMX app testing, you’ll need to use a testing framework that supports native app testing, such as Appium or Robot Framework.

How do I troubleshoot issues with my FMX app integration tests?

When troubleshooting integration test issues, start by checking the test logs for errors or exceptions. Verify that your test setup is correct, and the app is properly launched and configured. Use debugging tools, such as the app’s built-in debugging features or a third-party debugging tool, to inspect the app’s state and identify the root cause of the issue.